To add the individual to one’s Skype “buddy” list, click the “Add Contact” menu button. Select the name of the account to view additional profile information. Step 7 – View the Skype account search results. Step 6 – Sort the order of the Skype search results by single clicking the header bar of the Skype account search results. Is a clean and minimal design layout and you will love it. Specific cities, countries, gender, and age may also be selected to reduce the number of user accounts returned in the search. The Skype for Web is a responsive website that you can open on every device. Step 5 – Refine the search for people online on Skype.
Step 4 – Enter the full name, email address, or individual’s Skype login name in the subsequently displayed dialogue box. Step 3 – Choose the Skype “Contacts” menu option then select “Search for Skype Contacts.” A user without a Skype account must register for the service before proceeding by selecting the applicable menu option on the Skype main page. Step 2 – Log into the individual Skype account.
Start the program from the icon in the Applications folder on Mac OS X. Step 1– Double click the program icon on the computer’s desktop or launch the program from a Windows computer’s “Program Files” sub-menu to open the Skype application. The search results can be used to locate specific individuals or other Skype users meeting profile search criteria by region, age, or gender. Skype also has a built-in search function that finds people online on Skype based on their name, email address, or Skype name. Consumers may also make phone calls to all types of telephones at a cost. The service allows consumers to make free computer-to-computer calls. Skype has grown to be one of the most used applications for real-time video, text, and voice chat.